Kata´s suggestion for homework:
1. print the 👉recipe and make sure you understand all the verbs (conjugate them).
2. Check the web page the recipe is in. That is Martat. I urge you to see what kind of information is included at their recipe page! We will learn about them. Browse a bit.
3. Listen (and Dorothy can also play) Mä silmät luon ylös taivaaseen, the hymn 490 and try and understand what it is about. Just the gist is enough.
4. Watch the 👉video and learn about Runeberg, again, just understanding what it is about is enough. No need to translate everything.
Ystäväni on kuin myös englanniksi
15.2. opimme tekemään Runebergin torttuja. 👉Ohje täällä:
KOTITEHTÄVÄ on 👉resepti. Luemme ja käännämme sen englanniksi.
Kuka oli herra 👉Runeberg?
Virsi 490. Mä silmät luon ylös taivaaseen Videona
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