sunnuntai 31. tammikuuta 2021

ALKEIS ja JATKO 13.2.2021 Education

If you need check what we did January 30th at Beginners Class, check 🙉 ALKEIS.

Jos haluat kerrata JATKOkurssin tammikuun 30. asioita tarkista tÀÀltĂ€ 😎 JATKO

February 13th we will talk about Education system in Finland! Helmikuun 13. pĂ€ivĂ€ keskustelemme suomalaisesta koulutusjĂ€rjestelmĂ€stĂ€. 

👉Mainosvideo koulutuksesta in English.

👉An article about Finnish schools and education in English.

👉Pdf about Education system in English.

👉Pdf suomeksi.

Info from/Linkki: Ministry of Education and Culture

BONUS: Learn some cities

BONUS2: 8 easy verbs in Finnish...

1. Tsekata / Tarkistaa, Katsoa / to check, to watch, to look

2. Skipata / JÀttÀÀ vÀliin / to skip, to pass

3. Fiksata / Korjata / to fix

4. Koodata / Ohjelmoida / to code, to program

5. Kokata / Laittaa ruokaa / to cook

6. Treenata / Harjoitella, kuntoilla / to train, to exercise

7. Hengata / Oleskella / to hang around, to hang out

8. Chillata / Rentoutua / to chill out

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